Are you searching for 'unimelb minerva thesis'? Here you can find questions and answers on the topic.
Table of contents
- Unimelb minerva thesis in 2021
- Unimelb library
- Unimelb thesis latex
- Unimelb thesis repository
- Unimelb thesis template
- Minerva research
- Minerva elements unimelb
- Thesis unimelb
Unimelb minerva thesis in 2021

Unimelb library

Unimelb thesis latex

Unimelb thesis repository

Unimelb thesis template

Minerva research

Minerva elements unimelb
Thesis unimelb

Where can I find my thesis at the University of Melbourne?
The Library only requires an electronic copy of your thesis. The electronic copy must be deposited to the University of Melbourne Institutional Repository, Minerva Access, via the Thesis Examination System (TES) once a final 'pass' has been recommended.
Who is eligible to apply for Minerva access?
To be eligible to submit to the Minerva Access, depositors must be staff or students of the University of Melbourne community at time of publication, submission or reporting.
Why is Minerva access important to the University of Melbourne?
It aims to collect, preserve, and showcase the intellectual output of staff and students of the University of Melbourne for a global audience. Increasingly funders are also requiring deposit of research output from grants to be deposited in an Institutional Repository and Minerva Access provides this service.
Do you have to pay for Minerva Research theses?
Minerva includes PhD and Masters Research theses, as well as a smaller number of Honours and Masters Coursework theses. Many theses are open access, which means anyone is able to read the full text online, and no subscription or login is required.
Last Update: Oct 2021