Are you looking for 'ub tum dissertationen'? Here you can find your answers.
Table of contents
- Ub tum dissertationen in 2021
- Mediatum
- Tum opac
- Tum thesis submission
- Tum master thesis repository
- Tum phd thesis
- Lin yuanfei tum
- Tum thesis topics
Ub tum dissertationen in 2021


Tum opac

Tum thesis submission

Tum master thesis repository
Tum phd thesis

Lin yuanfei tum

Tum thesis topics

Where can I publish my dissertation at TUM?
To do so, you can publish your dissertation electronically on mediaTUM, the TUM's media server. Therefore please submit six paper copies at the Doctoral Office (TUM Center for Study and Teaching – TUM CST) and upload an electronic version to the mediaTUM.
How can I make my dissertation available to the public?
After passing the oral examination, you must make the authorized version of your dissertation available to the scholarly public. To do so, you can publish your dissertation electronically on mediaTUM, the TUM's media server. Therefore please submit six paper copies at the Doctoral Office
Can a doctoral thesis be published in an electronic version?
Under the terms of the TUM Regulations for the Award of Doctoral Degrees you must make the authorized version of your dissertation available to the scholarly public by means of reproduction and dissemination. For this purpose you can publish your thesis either in an electronic version or in paper version with ISBN.
Last Update: Oct 2021